Mt. Edgecumbe H.S.


Educational Technology


Telecommunications Service Plan


Years 2013 - 2016Version Date: March 24, 2013




         I.     Introduction        


      II.     Goals, Standards & Strategies


   III.     Access


    IV.     Professional Development


       V.     System-wide integration


    VI.     Resources


 VII.     Accountability


VIII.     Children�s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance


    IX.     Appendix A- Mt. Edgecumbe�s Curriculum integration of Alaska Technology Standards.


       X.     appendix a-1- curriculum cycle process




 XII.     Appendix C - ISTE National Educational Technology Standards


XIII.     Appendix D – Survey


XIV.     Appendix E – public notice & hearing


  XV.     Annual BIA Forms








Established in 1947, Mt. Edgecumbe High School (MEHS) is a residential public boarding school providing a secondary educational alternative in a residential setting for over 400 students.  Mt. Edgecumbe High School has been in operation for over sixty-five years - with many of Alaska's rural leaders listed among its alumni.  The school enjoys strong parental support, receiving over 300 plus applications each year for approximately 180 openings. 


Annually, more than 100 Alaska communities are represented in the student population.  The student body is a demographic representation of the adolescent population of Alaska; the most unique linguistically and culturally diverse student body in Alaska. Residential student services include housing, food service, recreation activities, and supervision twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.


Mt. Edgecumbe has set high standards for learning.  Students are expected to meet and exceed standards and most spend time in tutoring and study time to reach those learning goals. Integration of technology tools are crucial for learning success.  Academic services include a comprehensive educational program largely college preparatory in nature and designed to ensure students have numerous post-secondary choices upon graduation.  Administrators, teachers and other staff are required to stay abreast of educational advances and to initiate innovation.  Teachers are encouraged to embrace challenging, stimulating classroom programs and activities.   By doing so, Mt. Edgecumbe High School serves not only those students in attendance, but others as well, for MEHS acts as a model of innovation for other high schools across Alaska.


Located within the Mt. Edgecumbe campus, the University of Alaska-Southeast-Sitka campus, offers a wide range of college credit courses for students prepared to accommodate college level classes in their high school experience. This helps facilitate a seamless transition from secondary to post-secondary education for many students.


Admissions preference is given to students who have no access to, or limited access to, secondary education in their local communities, or who would particularly benefit from placement in a residential setting.  Some of these students would otherwise be placed in foster care or other state-sponsored programs.


As a recognized leader in education reform, Mt. Edgecumbe High School maintains a tradition of producing successful, responsible Alaska citizens.





Mt. Edgecumbe High School MEHS inspires students to:




To provide a challenging, unique education in a residential setting that values rich cultural diversities and traditions, inspiring Alaskan students to become successful, responsible, global citizens.


2013  Stakeholders


The on-going Technology Planning committee developed a long-range plan to utilize technology to help support the instructional program in our school and enrich and extend the learning experiences we offer our students.



Randy Hawk


Greg Rashick

Technology Coordinator / Teacher

Matt Hunter

High School Math / Science Teacher

Erika Drain

School Librarian

Lois Rhodes

Community Member

Felicia Orsborn





The intent and purpose of this technology plan is to coordinate and align Mt. Edgecumbe High School�s technology research, planning, implementation of initiatives and partnerships, professional development, and delivery of Alaska Technology Standards and ISTE NETS to support Mt. Edgecumbe�s Mission and Measures as established by the Alaska Legislature, and to comply with requirements under the Universal Service Administrative Company�s (USAC) Schools and Library Division (SLD) policies for telecommunication services, Internet access, and internal connections federal discount subsidies. 


Technology will be used to enrich the educational experience, enhance communication, and foster meaningful connections among all school constituents; students, teachers, administrators, parents and community members.


This is a comprehensive approach that takes into account Mt. Edgecumbe�s unique mission (and measures) and all improvement and reform efforts to include: NCLB Federal Consolidated grants, Local Improvement Plans, and Professional Development Plans. Additionally, all other associated ancillary grants and supporting school-business partnerships are aligned to support the school�s mission and measures. This plan is aligned to support these efforts.








Mt. Edgecumbe High School (MEHS) provides a quality secondary educational alternative in a residential setting for students from more than 100 Alaska communities.  Admissions preference is given to students who have no access to, or limited access to, secondary education in their local communities, or who would particularly benefit from placement in a residential setting.  Some of these students would otherwise be placed in foster care or other state-sponsored programs.


Mt. Edgecumbe offers both academic and residential services to over 400 students.  Mt. Edgecumbe is a licensed residential child care facility; services include housing, food service, academic program, cultural and recreation activities, and general supervision seven days per week, 24 hours per day.  Academic services include a comprehensive secondary educational program largely college preparatory in nature and designed to ensure students have numerous post-secondary choices upon graduation.


Mt. Edgecumbe High School has been in operation for sixty-five years; with many of Alaska's rural leaders listed among its alumni.  The school enjoys strong parental support, receiving over 300 applications each year for approximately 180 openings.  As a recognized leader in education reform, Mt. Edgecumbe High School maintains academic and residential programs enabling students to become successful, responsible Alaska citizens.


MEHS has paid very close attention to its mission statement and has implemented many programs to address its core services:

�      Staff after-school tutorial program coordinated between 6:00 and 10:00pm, Sunday through Thursday

�      Employ the Carnegie Math Program for Algebra 1 & 2 and Geometry

�      Collect, analyze and distribute useful student assessment results to teachers in order to adjust curriculum in a timely manner

�      Offer intensive tutorial sessions in review of academic material and testing strategies

�      Use placement (pre & post) testing data to meet individual students� needs and provide intensive year long instruction to strengthen students skills in reading, writing and math on a needs basis

�      Provide reading and mathematics review courses for HSGQE

�      Provide on-site academic, career, and social counseling

�      Provide counseling assistance and exploration of scholarships and careers

�      Employ a comprehensive, evening and weekend tutorial program

�      Collect annual parent and student survey data and use this data to make program improvements in both residential and academic components

�      Provide on-going professional staff development in Alaska Grade Level Expectations, Build Your Own Curriculum, Response To Instruction (RTI) and differentiated instructional strategies

�      Facilitate a large variety of recreational programs

�      Facilitate a large variety of Cultural Activities

�      Provide school to work programs, service learning, internships, and other opportunities

�      Partner with UAS to offer college credits to MEHS students for dual credit

�      Establish Tech-Prep alignments with UA for Career classes for college credit

�      Emphasize essential academic skills and require 24 credits to graduate

�      Prepare students with independent living skills

�      Promote technology through application

�      Host onsite college/career events with Sitka Education Consortium

�      Support a Pacific Rim studies curriculum

�      Pursue school-business partnerships that enhance academic and residential components

�      Use our student information system, Schoolmaster/Pinnacle, to provide data on academic achievement to parents and students.  These web based, password protected systems, can be accessed through any web browser.

�      Communicate academic progress to distant parents through internet based academic progress reporting.

�      Communicate with remote and distant parents through seamless voice communication (phone systems), a voice messaging system and School Reach.

�      Conference with remote distant parents using telecommunications and state of the art phone and conferencing systems.

�      Communicate with remote and distant parents through the power of the website including video over the internet.

�      Utilize consultant recommendations to improve server reliability and storage through the use of cloud and virtual server technology.


All of these programs require an integrated/seamless communication system.  Currently MEHS uses a home web page to provide links to these pages.  Other communications systems include the use of a parent email list, and individual phone calls.  Mt. Edgecumbe is currently researching the use of mass communication systems using reverse 911, text messaging, and computer messaging systems, such as School Reach.






People in the 21st century live in a technology and media-suffused environment, marked by various characteristics, including: 1) access to an abundance of information, 2) rapid changes in technology tools, and 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale.


Our students have a greater need to access more information, more people, more ideas and more options for learning, communicating and working than ever before. We are increasingly Internet dependent. Our geographically isolated students and parents are left at a potential disadvantage. Broadband access is becoming the norm for many activities by students and staff, which places more pressure on schools to provide adequate band width. Additionally, these resources are changing what, how and when students learn. (NCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001).


Learning for the 21st Century is a report published by The Partnership for 21st Century Skills

( This public-private coalition contends that, to be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills related to information, media and technology.


The report recommends that schools focus on

Information Literacy

 Access and Evaluate Information

�       Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources)

�       Evaluate information critically and competently

Use and Manage Information

�       Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand

�       Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources

�       Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information

Media Literacy

 Analyze Media

�       Understand both how and why media messages are constructed, and for what purposes

�       Examine how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are included or excluded, and how media can influence beliefs and behaviors

�       Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of media

Create Media Products

�       Understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and conventions

�       Understand and effectively utilize the most appropriate expressions and interpretations in diverse, multi-cultural environments

ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy

 Apply Technology Effectively

�       Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information

�       Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS,  etc.), communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy

�       Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information technologies


The Technology Content Standards for Alaska Students ( encourages many of the elements identified by the Learning for the 21st Century report. MEHS strives to align/integrate the goals, benchmarks and performance indicators into the District�s Educational Technology Curriculum and its core subject area�s.


MEHS will set specific and measurable goals, aligned with Alaska state academic content and performance standards, for the use of advanced technology to improve student academic achievement.  The primary objective of technology in the school district is to have an impact on student achievement.  This objective encompasses instructional, curricular and professional development components. Research has shown when used effectively, technology can help students master fundamental skills, become responsible users of technology, and be better prepared for achievement in college and in the workforce


MEHS supports the philosophy that teachers with routine access to technology and professional development tend to develop student-centered pedagogies. When students are engaged with technology, absenteeism decreases, drop out rates are lowered and students are more motivated.


As the District integrates new and existing technologies more fully into the classroom, MEHS stakeholders will need guidance on how to use these technologies. Literacy skills will require professional development opportunities to encourage new teaching strategies, addressing the learner whose individualized learning style is ever changing. 


The District must be responsible for providing flexible instructional technologies that support information and communication technologies (ICT), literacy skills and learning-to-learn skills. With students facing the prospect of changing jobs many times in their lifetimes, teachers must prepare them to be workers who are conceptual, inferential, procedural and able to face systemic challenges. Research shows the use of electronic, interactive technologies as learning tools can make a significant difference in student achievement and learner motivation (Reinking & Bridwell-Bowles, 1996).



At the center of our community of learning is engagement in open-ended inquiry of local to global issues. Teachers provide a student-centered learning environment and facilitate student-learning opportunities where all students acquire and organize information. This allows students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate conclusions and generalizations while producing new knowledge and understandings that make sense to them.


Technological tools and skills are integral to all content areas with technology making a seamless connection within the learning environment. Students, teachers, administrators, and staff using technology are assessed in their abilities to use technological tools as well as their abilities to problem-solve, analyze, and communicate at high levels of thinking.


MEHS realizes that as our goals evolve so will the way we approach teaching and learning. New learning environments filled with information sharing, research, collaborative learning and exploration of e-Learning opportunities are possible with instructional technologies.


MEHS has begun integrating the use of instructional technologies into the district�s conventional academic curriculums as learning tools to support 21st century skill sets and improve student academic achievement.


A survey distributed to staff members in December 2012, identified the following barriers to the

acquisition or usage of technology:



The technology planning committee derived the following goals from the December survey during a planning meeting in January 2013; which are integrated into our technology plan with strategies to address the goals:




�               Promote greater communication among teachers, staff and parents.

�               Improve database information technology and telecommunications resources allowing MEHS to continue improving library resources and education. 

�               Integration -- Integrate technology into the curriculum and daily routine of classroom practices.

�               Extend the curriculum; with technology offering new avenues and perspectives to access curricular objectives (i.e. web sites, on-line resources, SLED, interlibrary resources, greater web2.0 access etc.)

�               Incorporate grade level student tech competencies through student scope and sequence.

�               Train staff to use applicable district workstation tools.

�               Train for classroom teachers --All district teachers, administrators, and staff will become proficient and regular users of the integrated student records systems to support student learning.

�               Train technology teachers and specialists in emerging technologies

�               Provide financial resources to support technology and training efforts



Communication and information Access Goals (CIA)


Goal #1 - Enhance communication and involvement between the home and school through the use of appropriate technologies. Mt. Edgecumbe ensures effective use of technology to promote parental involvement and increase parent communications.


Mt. Edgecumbe High School Parent Involvement Policy:


Mt. Edgecumbe High School continually seeks to remove or lower barriers to parent involvement, facilitating greater participation by, creating a partnership with parents in school planning, review, and improvement.  Many of the suggestions and insights to improve parent communications comes through our annual NCLB parent survey. 


The following elements are the guiding principles for parent involvement at Mt. Edgecumbe High School:

  1. The development of plans to help all children meet challenging academic standards;
  2. Coordinate technical assistance and other support necessary for planning and implementation of effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance;
  3. Provide assistance to parents of children served at MEHS, as appropriate, in understanding such topics as the State�s academic content and performance standards, State required and MEHS academic assessments, and how to monitor a student�s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their student(s);
  4. Provide information to help parents to work with their children to improve their children�s achievement, such as literacy strategies information and assessment / progress information online, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement;
  5. Educate teachers, administrators, and other staff, with the assistance of the advisory board, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school;
  6. To the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children;
  7. Using every communications means available, ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand;
  8. Conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation survey of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement in improving the academic quality, including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents, and use the findings of such evaluation survey to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary, the parental involvement policy.


Strategies for #1:


Mt. Edgecumbe High School is committed to effective communication with parents.  In fact, this function is critical to the success of our school.  Since many of our students come from geographically isolated areas of the state, the use of technology is essential.  Mt. Edgecumbe employs the following strategies in carrying out this task:


  1. Purchase and implement emerging technologies which provide the best possible parents access to (remotely) monitor and interact with their students� academic and behavior progress.  This system will be integrated into a single point of communication which disseminate information using a variety of modes such as text messaging, phones, email, and computer rss feeds.
  2. Assigned each student a personalized, school-sanctioned email address in which to communicate with parents and others.
  3. Employ a state of the art, high quality mail server to handle the traffic load that this communication generates.
  4. Scheduled regular statewide parent teleconferences.
  5. Provide regular updates to parents of schedules, current events, applications, extra-curricular schedules, results and other academic areas of interest through the use of web page, email, and mailings.
  6. Issue parents and students user ID�s and passwords along with instructions on how to access and use the student records system. The Pinnacle (online grade book) system is provided to parents and students with daily updates of student progress. This system enables both students and parents to check on student academic progress and additional school records.
  7. Utilize a variety of print media and web based technologies to distribute school information.  Publications such as the Channel Light newspaper and School Reach are sent out on regular basis to each student household as well as periodic video broadcasts of important events. 
  8. Home School Coordinator will employ a variety of technology tools such as telephone, fax and email to communicate with parents.
  9. Academic and residential staff will use telephone and email to communicate with parents on a just-in-time basis.
  10. Employ teleconferencing equipment as necessary and appropriate to facilitate Advisory School Board meetings for remote participants.
  11. Conduct the annual NCLB parent survey to collect parent input regarding the academic, residential and extra-curricular programs.
  12. Collect parent input through web based surveys.
  13. Use emerging video technologies to provide �face to face� communication. Ie. UAS teleconferencing services.
  14. Inform parents of the varied academic and living activities through web based video.


(CIA) Goal #2 – MEHS will focus on improving access to telecommunications technology that enhances communication between students, parents and staff.

Curricular efforts and telecommunications efforts are complimentary.  Parental support is instrumental in student success.  Mt. Edgecumbe is unique in that students live in a residential setting, therefore removing the direct interaction between students, parents and staff.  Enhanced telecommunications access strengthens our abilities to provide tools and resources that enable learners to meet and exceed state standards, yet, will also serves to increase the quality and quantity of information and interactions that students, parents and staff have to support these efforts. Continuous improvement to our existing network focuses on increasing speed of user interface and ease of access to network services. This increased capacity is reflected in our historical erate telecommunication agreements (2003-2004: Internet access at 256K, 2007-2008: Internet access at 768K, 2005-2007: Internet access at 1024K, 2007-2008: Internet access speed increased to two full T-1 lines, 2008-2009: Internet access at 3MB per second, 2009-2010: Internet access at 5MBPS, 2010-2011: Internet access at 7MBPS, 2012-2013: Internet access at 10MBPS.)

The District has set the following minimum standard for the instructional classroom setting: A computer with Internet access, multimedia projector and appropriate productivity and content area software. MEHS has an interactive whiteboard standard for newly constructed classrooms. All other existing classrooms in the district have been retrofitting with interactive whiteboards at varying rates. The District has set the following minimum standard for student access to computers in schools. These ratios are necessary to adequately administer Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments, provide keyboarding instruction, research opportunities, word processing opportunities, and access to 21st Century skills.




Number of Internet capable

Student Computers

Rotation Cycle


400 students





5 years

Teacher Ratio


4 years


(CIA) Strategies #2:                             

1.     Add an integrated integrated conferencing services.  Allow parents greater access to information about their child through the method that is most convenient to the parent.  This includes, but is not limited to the use of cell phone text messaging, phone calls, email messages, and live video feeds of school events.

2.     Students and staff at Mt. Edgecumbe will use communications technology to enhance their academic performance and quality of life in the following ways:

a.     To communicate in a positive and constructive manner with important and supportive people in their lives: peers, colleagues, parents & family, community, and professionals.

b.     To achieve an understanding of their own and other cultures by using communication technology.

c.     To participate in local, state, and national government through technology.

d.     To exchange ideas and solve problems with others through new and innovative forms of communication.

  1. Classrooms will all have a telephone for safety and communication with parents and staff.
  2. The District will provide access to a student information system for administrators, teachers, parents, and students. This system will host centralized data about student achievement and attendance to guide instruction and monitor students. Student and parent will have access to this data allowing them to take greater responsibility for student learning and attendance.
  3. Add a campus wide alert system to inform parents, students, and staff about campus events and emergencies effecting school safety and information.


(CIA) Goal #3: Develop a strategy for using up to date information technology and telecommunications resources allowing MEHS to continue improving library resources and education. 


The 2012, Keith Curry Lance Pennsylvania research study, reaffirmed the 1999 Alaska Research Project,  �Information Power: The School Librarian as an Agent of Academic Achievement in Alaska Schools,� which, found �students with access to a better-staffed, funded, equipped, stocked and accessible school library(s) are more likely to score advanced and less likely to score below basic on the state reading and writing tests.�

(Read more:


In addition, test scores also tend to be higher where;


The Sitka Library Network is the hub for student research utilizing online resources in addition to paper copy in the city.  Kettleson Memorial public library and all Sitka school libraries have been merged into a single networked library system for the community. E-rate funds support the wide area network costs. This system provides students and community member�s access to all library resources throughout the city. Using their access, community members and students can utilize district-wide multi-media resources; district and state-wide online library catalogs; periodical databases; books, audio-books, videos and other research tools. They can also place a request if what they're looking for is unavailable at their local library. Access to patron information provides a listing of items checked out, blocks (fines and fees), holds and book lists. The system drastically expands the available resources.


Strategies for #3:


  1. Provide all classrooms and computers in the district access to filtered Internet resources to improve education and access to information.
  2. Utilize E-rate funds to support the wide area network costs. This system provides students and community member�s access to all library resources throughout the city.
  3. Continue to align the libraries multi-media collection of educational materials to support all areas of the district curriculum.
  4. Offer instructional staff programs for information literacy skills in which learners will demonstrate the ability to use technology to
    1. Select, retrieve, review, evaluate, manipulate, and create information for an identified information need
    2. Apply study, research, reference, and critical thinking skills to organize information
  5. Assess student/staff information needs and order materials to meet those needs.
  6. Implement the SIRSI, circulation and booking system:
    1. Catalog multi-media materials added to the Media Center collection
    2. Provide training in the use of SIRSI on-line service
  7. Create interactive teacher inspired research projects that address 21st century learning skills.



Goal #4 - Create and maintain access to up to date instructional technology tools and resources for all students and staff allowing information access and analysis, communication and collaboration locally and around the globe to enhance knowledge, understanding and application across the curriculum.


Mt. Edgecumbe has over 500 desktop computers and 3 laptop labs available for staff and student high speed Internet access and access to and applications and various other networked services.  This number approaches a 1/1 access ratio.  In addition to computer terminals, there are 12 net-worked printers which are accessible in central locations throughout the campus; saving on cost and the environment.  Smartboards are available in all content areas, and other appropriate technologies such as graphing calculators are part of instructional applications made available where and when needed. 


Mt. Edgecumbe High School has a high percentage of students meeting federal poverty standards.  According to our latest data, January 2013, 66.7% of our students meet these standards: 217 free, 34 reduced out of 376 total count.  A majority of our parents receive some type of public assistance.  This qualifies for an 80% erate Universal Service Administrative Company, Schools and Libraries telecommunications and Internet subsidy



The National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering (1995) emphasize the importance of technology in promoting educational opportunities for all students:

"Technology deployed in education can help remove inequities between the schools of the inner city and the suburbs, between cities and rural districts.... Technology can become the force that equalizes the educational opportunities of all children regardless of location and social and economic circumstance."

Education technology has the potential to provide equal learning opportunities in several ways. Grabe and Grabe (1996) note that technology in the form of telecommunications allows access to people (through electronic mail and bulletin boards), access to interactive services (through on-line discussion groups, interactive conferences, and interactive tutorials), and access to files (through on-line databases, library holdings on a local or campus wide network, and text and graphic files on the Internet).


Strategies for #4:


To create and maintain access and equitability for all it is essential that MEHS�


1.              �Upgrade 5 major computer labs on our campus on a rotational basis.  Each lab will have a minimum of 20 computers and AV projection capabilities.  These labs will use the newest computers on campus and will have the latest software and filtered Internet capabilities.  An important component of these labs will be full time supervision and staffing by qualified computer instructors during the day.  These labs will also be open during evening study hours with qualified tutors in attendance.  In addition, regular maintenance will be performed on these labs to ensure computers are available and in working order. 

2.              �Develop satellite learning centers in each dormitory.  These computer learning centers will be placed in each dormitory and give student�s access to technology which may not normally be available at home.  These computers will also be equipped with the latest software and regularly maintained.  Students will have access to these computers during non academic hours and can be used to communicate with parents and complete school assignments. 

3.              �Provide laptops for check out in living areas to communicate with home and to complete homework.

4.              �Provide each student with Internet accounts and email addresses.  These measures will insure every student, regardless of resources, has adequate access to technology used for academic and communication purposes.  The use of a proxy server will give students safe, controlled access in concordance with state and federal regulations. 

5.              �.Support students who happen to have their own computers and technology.  Students will be given assistance in accessing and configuring their computers to work on our network. 

6.              �Provide wireless services throughout campus with controlled Internet and network access.  This access will be provided in accordance with CIPA and ERATE requirements. 

7.              �Maintain 2 separate math labs to meet math curriculum requirements.  Each math lab will have at least 25 computers in it in order to teach the Carnegie Learning math program.  Instruction will be provided to staff and students in how to access and use this program.  Each math student will have a computer available every math period in order to complete the curriculum.  A maintenance fee will be paid to provide the students with the latest software needed to teach this curriculum.

8.              �Provide district employees access to Employee online data information encompassing their salaries, benefits, deductions, certification, and other personal information stored by the District.

9.              �Provide every classroom on campus with access to wireless and instructional computers as needed.  Each room will have telecommunications capabilities needed to teach the subject matter.  A central research area will also be established in the library.  This research center will have access to books available throughout the Sitka Library System, as well as competent assistance in research and technology use. 

10.           �Provide special needs students with assistive technologies to create an optimum learning environment.  These areas will include visual and hearing impaired devices to assist those students identified in IEPs.  Instructors and students will be given training in how to use these devices as well as strategies in how to incorporate these devices in the curriculum. 



Goal #5 - Encourage the development and use of innovative delivery strategies through the use of technology.


Mt. Edgecumbe High School has a 20 year history of requiring the use of technology throughout its curriculum.  In addition, we require each student to complete at least 2 years of technology training.  Along with required courses in technology, Mt. Edgecumbe has offered a number of specialized instructional units in Web Authoring, Accounting, CAD (computer aided drafting), Robotics, Video Productions and various operating systems.  The use of technology is employed in all of our curricular areas.  There are many projects such as genetics research in science, math instruction, Pacific Rim cultures, and journalism classes that make heavy use of technology.   We will continue to revisit these curriculums and make improvements as technological innovations become available. Curriculum will continue to be improved at regular in-service times.   Specialized instructors will be provided to improve and refine our curriculum with the use of technology.   A complete copy of our curriculum will be available utilizing the latest web technologies.


Strategies for #5:


  1. Expand use of current distance learning technologies to extend course offerings to those limited by geographic location and/or insufficient resources.
  2. Support more 21st Century Skills development for students and teachers. These skills include appropriate educational use of Web2.0 collaborative classroom tools including web logs (blogs), wikis, pod casts, Google docs, & virtual field trips.
  3. Integrate conferencing services throughout the campus to provide alternative course delivery methods, collaborative learning and expanded learning opportunities beyond the classroom.
  4. Adopt electronic student response systems for formative assessment and immediate performance feedback to students. This innovative technology increases student engagement, teacher awareness of student learning, and a teacher�s ability to offer differentiated instruction.
  5. Offer access to several subscription-based Library databases on its website. This allows students to conduct research from the residential area or school on a variety of topics. Some state-wide databases offered by AK DEED are also offered on the district website.
  6. Utilize the SIRSI, on-line library system, allowing students and staff to access materials and information.
  7. Evaluate new web design and content management systems that will incorporate universal design principles. The districts web site will be the information portal for all stakeholders.
  8. Employ technology specialists who research, acquire, and support all technologies for students.
  9. Develop a district-wide sharing portal on its server to allow for delivery of electronic teaching materials. This need is being driven by the rapid adoption of interactive whiteboards and a desire by staff to work collaboratively on lessons delivered on this tool.
  10. Evaluate teacher survey tools that could be incorporated into the new web content management system. This would allow for more efficient data collection from teachers participating in professional development and other projects.
  11. Increase wireless coverage and bandwidth campus wide. Classrooms and residential areas will be provided wireless access in common areas such as library, activity center, gymnasium, administrative office, and conference room. All other areas of the school will receive wireless LAN coverage depending on curricular needs. All newly constructed buildings are being equipped with network infrastructure in the ceiling to support this standard.
  12. Expand video learning experiences and provide cloud storage.
  13. Provide information and materials in the use of web based technologies to increase parent knowledge and understanding of student academic progress.




To develop each teachers�, administrators�, and individuals� capacities to guide and deliver educational programs and instruction that will lead to increased student achievement. Mt. Edgecumbe�s Professional Development Plan is focused on enhancing student success by employing and maintaining high standards, increasing academic rigor, increasing relevance, differentiating instruction, thereby optimizing opportunities for students to achieve academically in a socially responsible manner.


Professional development will be based on technology needs assistance surveys given annually. The district will ensure that teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction.


Goal #1 – Provide on-going sustainable professional development opportunities and workshops for teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology and improve academic achievement and technology literacy of all students in the classroom or library media center.



Professional development will be ongoing, sustained, and based on the needs of the individuals. Various delivery methods include large group, small groups and one-on-one, and will be based on interests, needs, demographics, and/or job-alike groupings. Best practices in professional development emphasize collaborating, forming learning communities, and involving parents to increase student achievement. Venues will vary according to the participants. Individual classrooms and school labs will be used.


In order for students to achieve mastery of the standards, teachers must be proficient in using technology as well as proficient in providing instruction to students on the use of technology. Our first strategy for improving the literacy of students is to improve the literacy of teachers. ISTE standards for teachers will provide the framework for our professional development plan for teachers. Critical to the success of providing professional development to teachers will be the district's Educational Technologists. Qualifications of Educational Technologists include: classroom instructional experience, a history of using technology effectively with students, a strong background in the fundamentals in using technology, and the ability to present and relate to adult learners. The role of the Educational Technologists will be to guide and support the teacher in developing student-centered pedagogies using technology.


To this end, Mt. Edgecumbe�s professional development plan has, and will continue to incorporate the following elements.




Strategies for #1:                                        


To accomplish the goal of integrating technology:



Goal #2 - Ensure that teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction.



Strategies for #2:                                        


Curriculum specialists, librarians, administrators and educational technologists will�


  1. �build capacity in teachers to integrate technology into instruction; by integrating information literacy standards and ISTE NETS●S standards into curriculum guides for all content areas. 
    1. A curriculum cycle was adopted in 2011-2012 and is currently being implemented on a departmental basis.
  2. �guide and support teachers in developing content-specific student-centered pedagogies using technology.
  3. �continue to offer professional development to support classroom technologies and technology integration in all content areas. In addition Educational Technologists will continue to support teachers with one-on-one classroom professional development
  4. �continue to procure technological resources (hardware, software, training and human resources) to provide the technology resources for staff to integrate technology into their daily lessons to improve and track student achievement.
  5. �train teachers on integrating technology in content areas, in alignment with Mt. Edgecumbe�s curriculum cycle (reference Appendix A – Using Technology at Mt. Edgecumbe High School -- an integration report –Appendix A1 – Curriculum Cycle ) and as outlined in the professional development plan-designed to support Mt. Edgecumbe�s core services mission an measures.
  6. �provide in-service training to mathematics staff with Carnegie Math updates in cooperation with Carnegie Learning.
  7. �provide just-in-time training to academic staff on using conferencing technologies.
  8. �train teachers utilizing integration sessions during regularly scheduled teacher in-service days (Ie. web 2.0 offerings, google docs, BYOC, AEOSOP, Pinnacle, Drop Box, Intranet, andwhite board software use.
  9. �support teachers by identifying those content areas which would benefit most by further integration of technology.
  10. �continue to provide staff with training in student information systems and other technology that assists in recording and reporting student achievement in their classes and extra-curricular activities.
  11. �provide training in classroom supportive web 2.0 technologies to provide practical and innovative services to students and staff. Ie. Google Apps, moodle, wikis, social bookmarking, podcasting, social media apps, etc�
  12. �provide training in podcasting and conferencing technolgies to enhance student learning.




Goal #1 - Mt. Edgecumbe encourages the development and use of innovative delivery strategies through the use of technology to improve student academic achievement:


Information technologies make it possible to overcome geographical isolation, physical barriers, and economic hardships. Today students and their teachers can connect with scientists, writers, and other practitioners all over the world. These technologies enable students to interact with and explore new places and subjects, bringing a wealth of information and experiences into the classroom and the school library media center. Through increased access and updated technologies, educators and students can tap on-line databases of library-approved content to access text resources of greater breadth, depth, currency and quality than the Internet or textbooks offer.


Learning technologies will provide all students with tools and resources to master important skills and knowledge, including the Alaska State Curricular Standards and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL)/AECT Information Literacy Skills, and to demonstrate the extent to which they have met those standards. Learning technologies will encourage student creativity and self-direction, and help students develop skills that prepare them for the workforce and for responsible citizenship in the nation and in the world.


Today technology is a tool to enhance learning. MEHS�s district-wide technology standards are being written so that technology will be integrated into all content areas. Students are required to use technology as a tool in all areas of the curriculum. In the past staff trainings have emphasized skill-based instruction in technology.


This plan relates to our overall Mission and Goals.  It provides a focus for staff development; which will help our instructional staff integrate technology into their classrooms and understand our technology targets and assessments in-depth as they work through them, to complete our technology professional development plan.


MEHS will integrate local and statewide assessment technologies including MAPP, Work-Keys, Pinnacle, and Analytics.  Emerging technologies will be integrated as needed.  These technologies will ensure compliance with state and federal requirements.


Mt. Edgecumbe has a complete Alaska Standards based curriculum in all academic content areas. Moreover, Alaska�s Cultural, Technology, and Employability Standards are fully integrated into all curricular areas. Project CRISS (Creating Independence through Student-owned Strategies), RTI (Repsonse to Instruction) and SIOP (Sheltered instruction Observation Protocol) research-based literacy and language instruction strategies are infused in all content areas. The use of these research-based instructional strategies are monitored and assessed during teacher evaluations. 


Annual performance is delineated in the Mt. Edgecumbe�s report card to the public (Made available on Mt. Edgecumbe�s web site) and historical track record of always meeting or exceeding AYP. Additional performance indicators include Mt. Edgecumbe�s reported indicators for an approximate 20% ELP population as required and documented in the school�s Bilingual Plan of Service.  This data is reported against annual measurable achievement objectives as required by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development.


In addition to the normal resources of a public school, Mt. Edgecumbe employs a full range of residential services that ensure students get the proper nutrition, rest, and a cadre of recreational and social services required by adolescents.  Evening and weekend tutorial programs enhance the academic support services of the instructional program and the instructional technology that helps support that program.  Students can access needed technology and Internet access in the evenings and on weekends.


Strategies for #1:


1.     Integration will center around two areas:

a.     A continued increase in bandwidth available through erate, and

b.     The construction and deployment of instructional resources and solutions.  As a part of this effort, various network functions, such as data storage, student-records maintenance, communications, and print services will be migrated and integrated into these cloud based resources.







Instrument/ Indicators


Improved data storage capacity, reliability, security and performance

Added additional storage drives to mail backup server. 

Test Data Backup and Data Restore completed.

Time to backup and time to restore noted.


School Wide Alerting System and Parent Notification System

SchoolReach Software

Parent Surveys on Satisfaction of school communication.  Compliance rate of students with requested activities broadcast over the system.


Conferencing Services

U-stream software and Skype Conferencing Software

Parent Feedback on broadcast events along with the number of users logged in during broadcasts.  For Skype interface conferences the number of times parents log in for the monthly meetings.


Improved bandwidth and wireless network access.

Improve wireless signals and bandwidth for all users.

Network coverage maps which document wireless signal strength and follow surveys regarding satisfaction with network wireless access.


Increase Internet Bandwidth to allow for more multimedia and advanced web applications in content areas.

Increase Internet Bandwidth on a yearly basis.  Currently running at 10 Mbps with a goal of 50 Mbps after 5 years

Student and staff satisfaction and increased productivity as measured and reported our yearly survey and End Results of MEHS State BRU, AYP performance and annual Report Card.


Campus wide alert and safety broadcast system using existing network infrastructure.

Add speakers and integrate the entire school campus into a comprehensive alert system.

Monthly drills which chart response time, compliance rate and coverage for drill events.


Integrated switching technology for all campus areas.

Purchase additional HP Switching Chasis and integrate them into a 2 gb mm fiber backbone. 

Error rate and response times as measured by network monitoring software


Improved print services capacity, reliability, security and performance

Purchase additional standardized  printers and use PaperCut software to monitor and control print jobs.

Student and staff satisfaction and increased productivity as measured and reported our yearly survey and End Results of MEHS State BRU, AYP performance and annual Report Card.


Decrease demand on IT department for OS upgrading by deploying virtual desktops

VMware Enterprise & VMware technologies along with increase network SAN storage to enable the use of virtual desktops.

Student and staff satisfaction and increased productivity as measured and reported our yearly survey and End Results of MEHS State BRU, AYP performance and annual Report Card.  Number of service calls for desktop problems.


Increased student access to computer technology

Purchase more computers for either individual one on one programs or to increase computer cart access for class room teachers.

Increased exposure, knowledge and skills by Students and staff in use and productivity within multiple operating systems as measured by satisfaction and increased productivity, as measured and reported with our yearly survey and End Results of MEHS State BRU, AYP performance and annual Report Card.



2.     Teachers will incorporate high quality information resources in their teaching strategies to address multiple learning styles, to motivate and engage students, and to support student exploration and growth. Teachers will explore the use of appropriate multimedia technologies to continue enhancing lesson plans. Additionally, linkages to national standards, rubrics, resources and guides will be provided to support administrators and teachers in identifying the extent to which students meet high standards of technology literacy. Teachers will increasingly be facilitators of student learning through proficient use of learning technologies.


3.     With the Districts goal of student achievement, teachers will use innovative teaching styles to enhance learning in the classroom. Each year, the results of the success of these lessons will be measured by increasing test scores on the SBA�s, MAP, and HSGQE.


4.     Resources for teachers will be made available at any time and any place.  They will include: samples of effective curricula and lesson plans aligned with Alaska State Standards; samples of student work and assessments; on-line professional development; student learning data disaggregated to the individual, classroom, school or district level; web-based applications that allow teachers and administrators to build relationships with parents and communities; and management tools that expedite administrative tasks, freeing up more time for direct student interaction. Learning technologies will encourage student creativity and self-direction, and help students develop skills that prepare them for the workforce and for responsible citizenship in the nation and in the world.




Goal #1 - The district will coordinate federal, state, local, and other funding sources to support student academic achievement, technology literacy, and integration of technology into curricula and instruction.

Mt. Edgecumbe�s technology funding resources are diverse. However, since many funding sources are technically unknown (e.g. State surplus is based on availability feature beyond Mt. Edgecumbe�s control), school administration and technology staff pursue other funding opportunities as they become available.

It is the responsibility of the administrative staff to ensure that potential funding sources are identified and pursued. Outside resources such as grant writers, consultants, and Department of Education and Early Development personnel may be used to help gain access to additional funds.  It is also the responsibility of the technology team to seek and coordinate future purchases of technology and pursue future funding resources. Central to this coordination is the long-standing access to State of Alaska surplus to acquire computers and printers.

Strategies for #1:                                      



1.     $90,000 / Systems Administration and Technology Support:  I.T. support staff are necessary to support computers, interactive whiteboards, printers, local area networks, wide area networks, Internet access, information servers, student data storage servers, financial data storage servers, student assessment servers, student instructional servers, and various other technologies.


a.     Because Mt. Edgecumbe High School�s computer technology system is so closely interwoven into all elements of our school, most importantly the integration of technology in the curriculum, the school designates 3/4�s of one faculty members� time and ½ of another member�s time to tech support (approximately $90,000 of Foundation Fund money) to help manage and maintain the instructional technology. These duties include, but are not limited to, receiving on-going training in conjunction with IBM Academic Initiative, technology systems set up and repair, evaluating instructional technology developments, updating existing systems, configuring new system builds, and more.


b.     A description of these positions is provided here:





1. Acquires and updates personal skills as necessary for effective instruction of advanced technology classes and network support services and new technologies integrated under the IBM partnership.

2. Assumes responsible for teaching advanced technology classes as assigned.

3. Responsible for management and maintenance of the school web site portal in coordination with the administration.

4. Responsible for technology coordination with setup, day-to-day maintenance, and planning associated with instructional and non-instructional school networks, workstations, and computer / technology applications campus-wide.

5. Responsible for modeling and assisting teachers in integrating technology in their classrooms to help improve student achievement.


1.     Communicates and coordinates on a day to day basis with peer technology coordinator and administrators regarding:

a.     staff technology needs

b.     network support

c.     web site administration

d.     instructional planning and direction of advanced technology courses (to include coordination with school-business partnerships associated with technology)

2.     Establishes a classroom environment encouraging creative and independent use of technology and advanced student development of technology skills.

3.     Coordinates with administration and provides technology training and support to school staff as necessary.

4.     Organizes technology resources for easy accessibility by students and staff in coordination with the technology coordinator and library/media specialist.

5.     Assists in establishing student and staff network accounts and maintaining network security.

6.     Develops and maintains network procedures and security to ensure regular system backups on a timely basis.

7.     Follows troubleshooting procedures for hardware and software. Maintains hardware and arranges for timely repair. Maintains repair history and server performance data.

8.     Works with the peer technology coordinator to ensure software in the school is properly licensed and maintains related records.

9.     Maintains inventory of hardware and related peripherals.

10.  Facilitates staff participation in the evaluation and selections of new software, hardware, and materials to support instructional objectives.

11.  Works with the administration and peer technology coordinator to annually assess instructional and non-instructional technology needs and develop technology procurement requests.

12.  Works with peer technology coordinator in the development and implementation of the school�s instructional technology plan.

13.  In cooperation with peer technology coordinator, performs all functions and procedures necessary to install and maintain school network hardware and software.

14.  Performs other duties as assigned.

2.     $225,342.00 Telecommunications & Internet Access (FY14)

a.     Because Mt. Edgecumbe High School is a boarding school that serves students from over 100 communities throughout Alaska, the school expends significant moneys on telecommunications, long distance fees, and related services to communicate with parents, providers, etc.

b.     $48,538.80 (annual budget estimate - dependent of Budget Inventory Analysis adjustments made annually and submitted to the technology authority at the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development) at 80% erate discounted amount MEHS Funds, plus $176,803.20 SLC erate anticipated funding for telecommunications and internet Access ($225,342.00 Annual Total). Mt Edgecumbe�s annual budgeted general funds share is $48,538.80.


Annual Cost

80% USAC Burden

20% MEHS Burden





Local & Long Distance

 $  45,996.00

 $  36,796.80

 $  9,199.20

Wireless (Cellular)

 $  12,480.00

 $    9,984.00

 $  2,496.00






 $    4,338.00

 $ -  

 $  4,338.00

MEHS Total        

$ 48,538.80

c.     Mt. Edgecumbe High School serves over 400 students from throughout Alaska, placing considerable demand on internet connectivity. As Mt. Edgecumbe High School continues to broaden and increase its use of technology, increased band width and Internet access becomes critical to the successful expansion, integration, and use of technology by staff, students, and parents. This expenditure is contingent upon Mt. Edgecumbe High School receiving SLC erate funding (based on 80% reimbursement to the providers) for purchasing these services.  Mt. Edgecumbe High School will pay the other 20% out of our General and Foundation Funds.


3.     $35,000 UAA / ANSEP (In-direct)

a.     Mt. Edgecumbe High School has a school-business partnership with the University of Alaska (Pacific Alliance) ANSEP program.  This organization provides qualifying Mt. Edgecumbe student with computer components to construct a personal computer. This program meets national standards and is designed to transition students to university education and careers in mathematics, science, engineering, and information technology.  The program prepares students in higher math, science, and for technology certifications.


4.     Alaska State Surplus ($ ? estimated dollar value only – approximately $ 20,000 annually)

a.     Mt. Edgecumbe will continue to use surplus technology not used by various state agencies. As Mt. Edgecumbe is a division of the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, the school is entitled to utilize Alaska State Surplus to acquire used technology equipment. Approximated twice a year, technology no longer needed or displaced due to replacement cycles afforded by other State entities is acquired for use at Mt. Edgecumbe. This relationship helps offset replacement costs associated with obsolete technologies (mainly computers and printers) access and aid various curricular areas by supplying them with technologies that might not otherwise be available.


Goal #2 - district provides for a sufficient budget to acquire and support the non-discounted elements of the plan: the hardware, software, professional development, and other services that will be needed to implement the strategy.


Mt. Edgecumbe provides for a sufficient budget to acquire and support the non-discounted elements of the plan.


Strategies #1:

1.     General and Foundation Funds:

a.     Mt. Edgecumbe uses approximately $153,500.00 ($90,000 / Systems Administration and Technology Support, $48,500.00 Telecommunications & Internet Access, and $15,000 application licensing) annually from general and foundation funds to provide telecommunications and Internet access purchase the necessary updates, and staff salary for system management and repairs.  MEHS will continue to delegate resources to purchase, maintain and upgrade networking and telecommunications as necessary to stay as current as possible in technology to allow students and staff access to the best possible instructional technologies. 

2.     Mt. Edgecumbe maintains an inventory of technology including provisions for interoperability. Mt. Edgecumbe ensures the supporting resources to ensure successful and effective uses of technology.

a.     Mt. Edgecumbe High School has an inventory of hardware, software, and related instructional technologies.  There are varying specific numbers of computers, printers and other connected devices depending on availability of parts for repairs, and replacement cycles. This is, in part, directly related to the availability of technologies from State surplus that can be efficiently integrated into the instructional program.

b.     Current (Spring 2013) Licensed Operating and application software

                                               i.     Windows Server

1.     Windows Server

                                             ii.     Windows Applications

a.     Office 2007, Office 2010

b.     Office XP, Windows 7

c.     Ulead VideoStudio

d.     Adobe PageMaker

e.     Adobe In-Design

f.      Adobe Acrobat Professional

g.     Adobe Photoshop

h.     Adobe Flash

i.      Adobe Fireworks

j.      Adobe Premiere

k.     Adobe Dreamweaver

l.      Carnegie Math

m.   World Client

n.     Smart Board Software

o.     Symantec Endpoint Protection

p.    Tandberg OS

                                            iii.     Open Source software

1.     Moodle

2.     Open Office

3.     Foxfire


c.     Future Licensed Operating and application software

                                               i.     Windows Server

1.     Windows Server – maintenance of windows OS with relevant updates

                                             ii.     Windows Applications  – maintenance with relevant updates

a.     Office 2007, Office 2010

b.     Office XP, Windows 7

c.     Ulead VideoStudio

d.     Adobe PageMaker

e.     Adobe In-Design

f.      Adobe Acrobat Professional

g.     Adobe Photoshop

h.     Adobe Flash

i.      Adobe Fireworks

j.      Adobe Premiere

k.     Adobe Dreamweaver

l.      Carnegie Math

m.   World Client

n.     Smart Board Software

o.     Symantec Endpoint Protection

p.    Java

                                            iii.     Open Source – maintenance with relevant updates

1.     Moodle

2.     Open Office

3.     Foxfire

d.     VMWare Enterprise

                                               i.     Server Services

1.     General File Services - Provide file data storage for both staff and students. Data is backed up on a daily basis. There are several servers in operation, Staff, Students, and Schoolmaster. Currently, several server functions are being transitioned to the newly acquired IBM Blade and IBM i System 520.

2.     Windows Application Server - Provides for workstation access to the Carnegie Learning program (MATH) server.

3.     Print Service - Acts as a central print server to share network printers with LAN users. Logs printer usage. These functions will be transitioned over to the IBM i System 520

4.     Domain Name Service - Provides Domain Name Service for our GCI Internet Connection.

5.     Proxy Service - Controls authentication and logon activities for Internet access. All access to the Internet on school computers is logged.

6.     DHCP Service - Dynamically assigns a TCP-IP address to computers accessing the network services.

7.     Mail Server - Provides access to both local and Internet email. It serves as a mechanism by which students may communicate with parents.

e.     School Announcements and News - Allows students and staff to receive information regarding school news, announcements, etc.

f.      Receiving and turning in homework. – Moodle provides a means by which students may turn in and get homework assignments. It works great for people on the road.

g.     Dorm Communications - Dormitory log notes and procedures are shared over the email system.

h.     Web Browsing - Student access to the WWW is accomplished through the browser software. Also used to view HTML documents over the network.

i.      Mail Access - Can be used to access 3rd party mail systems and the local email system when appropriate.

j.      FTP access - Can be used to transfer files back and force over the network.  

k.     Library Access - The Mt. Edgecumbe High School Library is linked to the entire Sitka Library Network via the Internet is used to access periodicals and books at other libraries located in Sitka.  This way, all resources in the libraries are available to all students and users of libraries in Sitka.   Access is gained by using the web based SIRSI workflows program.

                                               i.     Current uses

1.     Library Access

2.     Interlibrary Loans

3.     Access to OCLC and Workflows

3.     Statement of Interoperability

a.     Software Standards

                                               i.     Every computer at Mt. Edgecumbe should have the following software installed.  Any new purchases should be approved by the technology committee in order to insure that all computer and software programs operate together and files are transferred across the network.  In addition, all e-mail with electronically attached files should state which application is being used and the platform on which it was created.   All software purchases must be made in accordance with state and national copyright laws. The Network Operating System will have capabilities to handle files from different platforms, including PC, Macintosh, UNIX, etc. The issue of interoperability is not an issue with the new OS technology available.  In addition to the capabilities of this system, new technologies, such as VMWare, Enterprise, and VMware player allow the creation, and access of virtual systems that work in conjunction with one another.

b.     Hardware Standards

                                               i.     The following outlines minimum hardware standards for computers purchased at Mt. Edgecumbe.  The following standards should be considered a minimum standard.  Future purchases should also be submitted to the Technology Committee to insure that the needed components are included in order to function on the MEHS network. 

c.     Special Note:     

                                               i.     Many classrooms have other software installed with each computer.  This software may be pre-installed or purchased due to specific classroom needs.  This may include web browsers, reading software, scanning software or any other software specific to the needs of each classroom.  Regardless of its source, any software installed on Mt. Edgecumbe computers will be evaluated and approved by the technology committee.   Standards on which software is to be evaluated include:

1.     Classroom Need

2.     System Compatibility

3.     Cost

4.     State Standards for Technology

4.     Wireless Technology

a.     More and more students are arriving at school with personal laptop computers. These students can easily connect to Mt. Edgecumbe�s wireless network to access school work, research, and communicate. The use of personal computers enhances personal technology resources for individual students and allows them an important learning experience in personal responsibility.  All the same access rules, safety procedures and expectations apply to student access to technology and network services. The cost and speed of wireless networks continues to improve. Wireless access points are installed across the campus to allow students access to the network. These same wireless access points allow mobile wireless access in all classrooms that use mobile laptop carts available from the media center. Currently there are three mobile laptop carts with twenty wireless laptop computers in each cart.  These resources are checked out on an as needed basis by content area teachers


5.     Benefits of Internet / Global Access

a.     The use of the Internet in our schools is increasing almost as fast as the Internet itself. As more and more teachers and students discover the value of global access to information, a catalyst develops for a paradigm shift. This means that a revolution develops in thinking and perception that makes thinking in the old way impossible. Access to up-to-data information and resources exponentially increases annually. Schools now have a way out of the isolation and poor resource availability that for so many years was the norm.

b.     As teachers and students connect to the world, the way information is presented and learned changes. We are not tied down to a library or specific geographical area. In other words, the world is available to our classrooms. Our students and teachers are becoming more a part of global classroom which promotes understanding, appreciation, and respect for others and other ways of thinking. In short, learning has increasing become a rich and dynamic event that is interwoven with a multitude of resources and issues beyond the walls of the classrooms.

c.     For teachers, the use of the Internet can greatly improve classroom instruction. The use of email, discussion groups, and forums can connect teachers to colleagues around the world and improve the classroom environment. Winning teaching practices can be shared with other educators and put to work in the classroom. Students also have the benefit of reaching different teaching methods through the use of various forms of multi-media and alternative teaching techniques and strategies. Students are no longer limited to one specific type of learning style.

6.     Configuration of Individual Components

a.     Mail Server Configuration - In order to provide students with email, the server must be configured properly. The following steps are necessary to configure a mail server:

                                               i.     Add a MX entries in the DNS for the mail server.

                                             ii.     Register Server with your Internet Service Provider

                                            iii.     entries in your mail server for:

1.     Gateway

2.     SMTP

3.     DNS server

                                            iv.     Add accounts in your mail server for:

1.     Administrators

2.     Users


7.     Web Server Configuration

a.     Purchase specialized software for your server that runs internet protocols

                                               i.     http

                                             ii.     ftp

                                            iii.     Register server with your ISP

                                            iv.     Add entries in your DNS for you server

                                             v.     Register with various search engines for your web server


8.     Cisco Router Configuration

a.     Add entries in routing tables for local and internet packets

b.     Add entries in router for supported protocols

c.     Add entries in router for supported Internet services

d.     Add entries in router to force Internet traffic through the proxy server


9.     Proxy Server Configuration

a.     Configure server with Internet configuration information

b.     Require authentication for Internet use

c.     Add user names and passwords for users allowed to use Internet

d.     Enable logging of Internet use

e.     Set cache information to allow for efficient Internet use


10.  Internet Security

a.     One of the biggest issues facing network managers today is how to protect an organization from unauthorized or unethical use of the Internet. At Mt. Edgecumbe, we have selected the following plan to help promote safe and educational use of the Internet.



Mt. Edgecumbe certification of electrical capacity.


March 15, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

            As maintenance supervisor for Mt. Edgecumbe High School, I certify that the current electrical capacity is sufficient to handle the current and future technology needs of Mt. Edgecumbe High School as expressed in the current Technology Plan. All network wiring and network and electrical outlets are in compliance with current code and inspected on a regular basis.


Stan Johnson (signature on file)

Maintenance Supervisor


Strategies #2:                                            


  1. MEHS will use online databases and current periodicals for supportive resources. The district will also use community programs through the local library and teacher education programs, such as South East Regional Resource Center, Apple Computer Training, and the Professional Education Center, to further our goals for integrating technology throughout the classroom. Materials will be purchased, as they are needed.


  1. MEHS will continue to seek funding opportunities from state and federal sources to improve student achievement, technology literacy, and integration of technology in curricula and instruction. The Mt. Edgecumbe High School District supports technology through the annual budget process. Portions of our Title 2A funds are designated for staff development; a portion of which is dedicated to technology. Technology support has been integrated into several grants and funding programs in the past.  Currently there are no supplemental funds.



Goal #3 - The district will ensure the supporting resources to ensure successful and effective uses of technology.


The following hardware is supplemented with Title II A funds in the form of training and professional development. Staff release days are provided for teachers to attend training opportunities. Various staff have provided training through designated in-service days and continuing education credits.






650 computers on Active Directory

10 Servers on VM Center

6 Physical Servers

All are networked and interoperable with all district systems

Interactive Whiteboards


Interoperable with all district computers and multimedia projectors

Multimedia Projectors


Interoperable with all district computers and interactive whiteboards





Accountability Goal #1 - The district will measure the effectiveness of integrating technology into curricula and instruction, increasing the ability of teachers to teach, and enabling students to reach challenging State academic standards.


Mt. Edgecumbe measures the effectiveness of integrating technology into curricula and instruction, increasing the ability of teachers to teach, and enabling students to reach challenging State academic standards.


Mt. Edgecumbe�s goals, standards, and strategies for technology and telecommunications and professional development are a part of, not separate from, and in support of the school�s mission and measures


Strategies for #1:                                      


1.     Each year, test scores in reading, writing, and math standards will be reviewed and compared to the previous year�s results. Results will be reported to all District employees, the School Board, and the community by the end of the school year.

2.     Teachers will be evaluated on their technology skills each year or every other year based on the MEHS staff technology competencies.

3.     Teacher will complete a Technology Survey every year to determine staff development needs.

4.     Systems Operators hired to maintain the infrastructure to ensure students and employees have reliable technology tools.

5.     Educational Technologists hired to provide assistance to instructional staff for the purpose of improving instructional practices and affecting change.

6.     The District provides access to a student information system which hosts centralized data. The data can be organized and extracted in reports.

7.     Computer systems will meet the basic standards for access and integration.

8.     Machines will be placed at staff workstations and in student labs to increase productivity, and provide more student contact time.

9.     Track the number of parents who are utilizing the Pinnacle Gradebook program to keep in contact with their child�s progress.

10.  Utilize Pinnacle to standardize attendance and discipline reporting procedures.

11.  Evaluate students� ability to reach challenging State academic standards using baseline measurements obtained from standardized test results. Ie MAP, HSQE, SBA�s, Work-Keys

12.  Increase communication and collaboration at all levels by means of the district�s e-mail system.

13.  Principals and counselors will have access to teachers� gradebooks for telephonic parent conferences.

14.  Parents have access to student information through online Pinnacle Gradebook.

15.  Students have access to student information through online Pinnacle Gradebook.


Accountability Goal #2 - The district will measure the effectiveness of the educational technology plan and the district's progress toward meeting the plan's goals.



Strategies for #2:                                      


MEHS will measure the effectiveness of the educational technology plan and the school�s progress toward meeting the plan�s goals:


The plan will be reviewed by the District Technology Committee.

  1. The committee will assess and analyze progress of the technology plan yearly, and make necessary program adjustments for integrating technology into curricula and instruction to maximize potential benefits to student achievement.


Accountability Goal #3 - The district will provide a list of persons involved in crafting this plan.


Mt. Edgecumbe provides opportunity for a variety of stakeholders to be involved in the development of this plan. Outlined here is a list of person�s with direct and in-direct involvement in crafting this plan.



Role within the District/Community

Responsibilities tied to the plan

Randy Hawk

Superintendent /Director

Developed tech plan goals, strategies, and implementation. Reviewed plan and provided input.

Greg Raschick,

Information Technology Coordinator

Developed tech plan goals, strategies, and implementation. Reviewed plan and provided input.

Mark Nance,

Assistant Technology Coordinator

Developed tech plan goals, strategies, and implementation. Reviewed plan and provided input.

Erika Drain


Developed tech plan goals, strategies, and implementation. Reviewed plan and provided input.

Bernie Gurule


Reviewed plan and provided input.

Paula Clayton


Reviewed plan and provided input.

Felicia Orsborn


Provide student perspective

Dionne Jackson, Paul Fitzgibbon, Kerry McAdams- Social Studies, Archie Young, Matt Hunter, Tom Hart, Jack Davis – Mathematics, Mike Hay,  Kathleen McCrossin, Mike Kimber, Marcie Drake, Christy Anderson – English. Blu Wichman, Michael Mahoney, Chohla Moll– Science,  Bruce Christianson – Reading, Emily Routon- Reading & Language, Richard Calkins – Health, P.E., Josh Arnold - Technology

17 Mt. Edgecumbe Content Area Teachers Teacher

Reviewed plan and provided input.

Lois Rhodes

Advisory Board Member

Reviewed plan and provided input.





Additionally community involvement comes indirectly through our NCLB annual parent survey and evaluation.  This evaluation covers school mission, policies, handbooks, academic / residential / and extra-curricular programs, student progress reporting, staff-parent communications, and technology access and support.  Current results indicate a return rate for the current year of nearly 50%. Past results indicate 75%+ of parents have at-home computer access; of this group 70% feel they have the computer skills they need to maintain regular access to their student progress online.  Nearly eighty percent (80%) of parents use email communication on a regular basis, and some 20% use video-conferencing communications





Children�s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance


The School District assures that CIPA compliance has been met


            Mt. Edgecumbe High School is committed to assuring the safe conduct of our population while online.  The school has a comprehensive policy about the proper use of our technological resources.  Each student must sign an Internet use agreement before being allowed to use the Internet.  We have also instituted proxy server login for all users so Internet use can be tracked.  One of the new challenges facing schools today is the use of cell phone technology for Internet content.  The following section outlines the procedures and polices Mt. Edgecumbe has in place regarding the safe use of technology.

Technology Safety Policy

            It shall be the policy of Mt. Edgecumbe High School to institute a Technology Protection Plan. This policy affects the use of technologies in place at Mt. Edgecumbe. This policy will be distributed to all students and staff and posted on our web site. This policy will accomplish the following tasks:

Access by minors and staff to inappropriate matter using the Internet or other technologies

            No student or staff member shall access inappropriate material via the Internet while on campus and using school resources. This includes, but is not limited to, pornographic sites, child pornography, visual depictions of pornographic acts, racist sites, illegal activities, and any other site that is unlawful, immoral, or unethical. This policy includes all technology resources such as computers, phones, VCRs, or TVs.

Access to chat rooms, forums, and Usenet groups.

No student will participate in any chat room, forum, or Usenet group without the prior approval of the teacher and administration, and then only to accomplish a recognized educational objective. Students and staff will not use phones or other communication technologies to call 900 or other numbers that are graphic or unethical in nature.

Carrying out "hacking" or other unlawful/unethical activities.

No student or staff member will engage in computer sabotage, hacking, or the generation of computer viruses, worms, or Trojan horses. This includes the release of software known to be harmful to other computer systems. No student or staff member shall use State technology resources in an attempt to defraud or extort others.

E-mail use

No student or staff member shall use e-mail to send or receive pornographic/obscene material. No student or staff member shall engage in intimidation, spamming, racism, inappropriate language, or any other unlawful/unethical activity using e-mail Third party e-mail accounts, such as "Hotmail", will not be used by students at Mt. Edgecumbe High School.

Disclosure of personal information

No student or staff member shall disclose personal information about themselves or others over the Internet or through the use of a fax or telephone. This includes medical, academic, or personnel data, unless required by law or a written release is signed by the appropriate party.

Cell Phone Use

Students may possess and use cell phones in the dorms, except during quiet hour, assemblies, or after lights out.  Cell phones are not permitted in the academic area at any time, including classes or evening tutorials.  Students� cell phones will be confiscated by school staff and held until year�s end if students use them inappropriately or at times or places not allowed by the school, including assemblies, tutorials, classes, dorm quiet hour, after lights out, or any other time specified by school administration.





It is the policy of Mt. Edgecumbe High School to; (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children�s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254 (h)].

Technology consists of computers, the Internet, software, and peripherals that provide access to a vast collection of online resources, including libraries, government resources, public information resources, as well as links to millions of people around the world.  Mt. Edgecumbe High School provides technology and Internet access for its learning community because of its importance as an educational resource. As such, use of MEHS�s technology is to be used primarily to further the school's educational goals. At all times, MEHS�s technology is to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner, in accordance with all school rules and policies as stated in student and staff  handbooks and elsewhere.

In signing this Technology Use Agreement I personally agree that I will read, understand and follow the responsibilities and unacceptable uses of technology outlined here. I understand that my access to the learning technologies provided at Mt. Edgecumbe requires a large degree of personal responsibility and I agree to handle these personal responsibilities in a mature manner. Additionally, if I violate this agreement I realize that my user privileges will be restricted or taken away.

Technology Use - Code of Responsibility:


1. Each student is required to change their MEHS computer access account password the first time of logging in for the school year.


2. I will properly use Mt. Edgecumbe�s computer equipment, lab facilities, Internet connection, and all school learning technologies in a responsible manner so that no damage will occur.


3. I will leave the integrity (the position and set-up of all technology equipment and connections) of all Mt. Edgecumbe technology equipment and software intact for optimum (best quality) performance.


4. I will not violate the privacy of my fellow learners or the privacy areas of our technology system (to include data storage, Internet and e-mail). The only passwords I will use will be my own.


Unacceptable Uses of Technology Include:

1. Creating, using, transmitting, or viewing obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, hateful, libelous, or harassing language or messages.


2. Intentionally transmitting any material or messages that contain software viruses, unsolicited advertising, "spamming", chain letters, and �everyone emails.


3. Participating in Internet chat rooms, non-school email accounts, playing games, or other interactive recreational activities (including online games) using the school network or Internet resources.


4. Compromising personal safety by posting personal contact information about yourself or someone else (including home, school or home e-mail addresses, full names, telephone numbers, credit or bank information), or, for students, agreeing to meet someone met online without prior parental approval. Using someone else's name or account, or in any way impersonating another person or misrepresenting affiliation with a person, group, or entity.


5. Playing streaming media such as Internet radio, television, or streaming video (this depletes bandwidth resources).


6. Downloading any software from the Internet to a Mt. Edgecumbe computer or to the Mt. Edgecumbe network or printing directly from an Internet browser.


7. Loading or downloading written works, information, images, or other files in violation of copyright or patent protection as stated by the owner or by U.S. law, or plagiarizing such works (this means presenting  the works or ideas of others as your own).


8. MEHS or designated representatives will provide age-appropriate training for students who use MEHS�s Internet facilities. The training provided will be designated to promote MEHS�s commitment to: (a) the standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in the MEHS Internet Safety Policy; (b) Student safety with regard to: (i) safety on the Internet; (ii) appropriate behavior while on line, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and (iii) cyberbullying awareness and response. (c) Compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children�s Internet Protection Act (�CIPA�).



Name(print):_____________________________Signed:_________________ Date:_________________




Using Technology at Mt. Edgecumbe High School



Information in this report is based on Mt. Edgecumbe�s Curriculum integration of Alaska Technology Standards. 


This report references the Alaska Content Standards for Technology and includes examples of applications and activities for each class.   The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of typical technology integration in the classroom, not documentation of each application of technology in each classroom.


Information is organized by content area and can be found in the following sequence:

o   English and Language Arts

o   Mathematics

o   Science

o   Health and PE

o   World Languages

o   Social Studies

o   Technology (see also curriculum documentation for Computers 1 and 2 – required technology classes)









Technology Content Standards:  Focus of Integration Strategies

























4 T

































REQUIRED in all MEHS classes





Applied heavily in most MEHS required classes






Occurs in specific projects throughout content areas






Applied primarily in required Tech classes




Students at Mt. Edgecumbe High School also meet the following technology related standards:



(performance standard)


Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program





Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology


Recognize bias in all forms of communication





Identify appropriate forms of technology and anticipate the consequences of their use for improving the quality of life in the community






SAMPLE Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)


Apply technology by using word-processing software to complete assignments (type paragraphs and other short writing assignments).  All assignments must be typed.

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program


Employ appropriate technology to complete assignments (word processing, desktop publishing, and researching). 

Use desktop publishing software such as PageMaker or similar to publish short stories, non-fiction essays.

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program


Obtain and disperse information

Type papers and daily reading journal

Use internet to research historical events represented in literature assignments

Use technology to �view� other settings (i.e. exploring settings similar to those in the novels read) through videos, television, internet resources

Use calculator to keep running calculation of grade / points; update each time grades are received for individual assignments.

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

TECH  E7  Integrate the use of technology into daily living

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program


Apply technology by using word-processing software to complete assignments (type / format paragraphs and essays, scripts, letters, other short writing assignments).

Research via the web to find credible evidence to support opinions.

Demonstrate ethical use of resources including internet.

Use video (digital) equipment to record presentations of student-written scripts.

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  B1  Identify and locate information sources using technology

TECH  B3  Select relevant information by applying accepted research methods

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

TECH  E2  Discriminate between responsible / irresponsible uses of technology

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program


All writing samples must be composed using word-processing software.

Use grammar and spelling check tools in a word-processing program.

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit composition with word processing program


Publish monthly school newspaper (word processing, researching, publishing). 

Use grammar and spelling check tools in word-processing program.

Use desktop publishing software such as (PageMaker, FreeHand, or similar) and digital peripherals (scanners, digital cameras, etc.) to publish The Channel Light, the MEHS school newspaper.

Use technology to communicate with client for advertising in school newspaper (fax, e-mail).

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

TECH  D2  Use communications technology to exchange ideas and information

TECH  E2  Discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology

TECH  E3  Respect others� rights of privacy in electronic environments

TECH  E4  Demonstrate ethical and legal behavior regarding intellectual property (e.g. computer software, music, or literature)

TECH  E5  Examine the role of technology in the workplace and explore careers that require the use of technology

TECH  E7  Integrate the use of technology into daily living




Obtain and disperse information

Type papers and daily reading journal

Use calculator to keep a running calculation of grade / points; update grade calculations each time grades are received for individual assignments

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

TECH  E7  Integrate the use of technology into daily living

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program



Use word-processing program to compose all writing assignments including autobiography.

Find readability  (Fleisch / Kincaid) levels.

Use internet to explore author biographies, setting (time and place) as related to literature and reading assignments

Use on-line dictionary and thesaurus.

Final Project may include developing a web-page about author, book, or genre,

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  B1  Identify and locate information sources using technology

TECH  B2  Choose sources of information from a variety of media

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

TECH  D2  Use communications technology to exchange ideas and information

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit a composition with a word processing program




SAMPLE  Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)


Take digital photos of tableau and post the slide show on the Drama Website

Videotape clips of best scenes to complete a video portfolio

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  C1  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions

TECH  C2  Solve problems both individually and with others

TECH  C3  Create new knowledge by evaluating, combining, or extending information using multiple technologies


When possible, record practice debates and speeches for use in refining delivery and content



Internet research (if applicable to topics)






Word processing

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  C1  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions

TECH  B1  Identify and locate information sources using technology

TECH  B2  Choose sources of information from a variety of media

TECH  B3  Select relevant information by applying accepted research methods

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit composition with word processing program



Apply acquired technology skills (word-processing) to create a variety of documents (r�sum�s, letters and personal essays for applications to colleges and training schools and for scholarship applications)

Use available resources (including on-line resources) to locate information about colleges and scholarships.

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, productivity

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

English  A7  Communicate ideas using varied tools of electronic technology

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit composition with word processing program

TECH  B1  Identify and locate information sources using technology

TECH  B2  Choose sources of information from a variety of media




SAMPLE  Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)


All Required





MEHS follows the Cognitive Tutor�  math series from Carnegie Learning� .  Each curriculum combines software-based, individualized computer lessons with collaborative, real-world problem-solving activities. Students spend about 40% of class time using the interactive software.

All students must be proficient in the use of the computer component in order to pass.

Use scientific and graphing calculators (appropriate to level) to solve problems.

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  C1  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions

TECH  C2  Solve problems both individually and with others

TECH  E2  Discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology





SAMPLE Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)



Science Classes

Demonstrate technology proficiency by using a wide variety of technology (word processing, internet, data gathering and interfacing, presentation technology) appropriate to classroom activities, labs, and fieldwork

Apply technology skills from other areas (e.g. skills learned in Computer 1 or Computer 2) to science activities and assignments

TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  C1  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions

TECH  C2  Solve problems both individually and with others

TECH  D2  Use communications technology to exchange ideas and information

TECH  E2  Discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology

EMPL  A6  Understand the need for safe practices in workplaces



See above PLUS:

 Learn to use all lab equipment safely

Use technology (as appropriate) to create and present visual enhancements to oral presentations to class (student may use PowerPoint, etc.)

Extensive use of visual (video and film) presentations to explain complex concepts

See above (ALL MEHS�)





See above PLUS:

Make models to explain concepts of science (atoms, molecules) using graphic representations or other available technology when appropriate.

Complete computer simulation including solving probability problems and functions of dominant and recessive genes.

Use internet and other resources to research and report on disease caused by bacteria or by virus.

See above (ALL MEHS�)


See above PLUS:

Safe use of laboratory equipment emphasized throughout

PowerPoint presentations created by students

Explore specific applications of technology and chemistry such as water purification systems.

See above (ALL MEHS�)


See above PLUS:

Use technology as appropriate when creating models of representing principles of physics; use these models to explain and to test principles of physics.

Organize data and draw conclusions using available technology as appropriate (e.g. databases, graphs)

See above (ALL MEHS�)



See above PLUS:

Gather, record, and graph data; make and defend conclusions based on data; write procedural reports to conclude activities.

See above (ALL MEHS�)



See above PLUS:

Gather, record, and graph data; make and defend conclusions based on data; write procedural reports to conclude activities (specifically, see Sitka Sound Population project)

Explore specific applications of technology and scientific knowledge such as measuring pollution and creating solutions to pollution problems (technology will vary as available and as applicable to specific topic)

Apply technology to complete specific watershed / water quality research: testing temperatures, pH, dissolved oxygen and for other parameters  (alkalinity, biochemical oxygen demand, nutrients, phosphorous, bacteria)

See above (ALL MEHS�)

Health and Physical Education



SAMPLE  Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)



Use technology tools for internet research and to access library resources (e.g. research topics related to nutrition using the internet). Research is completed on several topics throughout the class.

Independently locate and process information.

Locate and choose appropriate resources; refine research techniques by applying appropriate online research strategies.

Use word-processing software to write reports.

Use graphic software to create visual aids for reports.

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  B1  Identify and locate information sources using technology

TECH  B2  Choose sources of information from a variety of media

TECH  B3  Select relevant information by applying accepted research methods




Students have option of tracking progress using computer-aided tools (databases, journals).

TECH  C1  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions






SAMPLE  Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)

CHINESE 1, 2, 3



JAPANESE 1, 2, 3




Use available technology-based resources to provide language and culture experiences (listening to native language speakers, reading and writing Chinese language, observing surface and deep culture characteristics through video, audio, and online resources); some students will have online pen pals or other correspondents.

Use calculator to keep running records of points and grades.

TECH  D2  Use communications technology to exchange ideas and information

TECH  D3  Use technology to explore new and innovative methods for interaction with others

TECH  E2  Discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology

TECH  E3  Respect others� rights of privacy in electronic environments

TECH  E7  Integrate the use of technology into daily living

(in discussion of culture) TECH  E6  Evaluate ways that technology impacts culture and environment




SAMPLE  Application

FOCUS Technology Standards

(includes other technology-related standards)


Social Studies












All Social Studies classes rely heavily on technology for the following resources:

Extensive use of online or other electronic resources for viewing maps and other geographic and demographic information.

Extensive use of online and other electronic resources for research (exploring both primary and secondary sources).

Use of video and audio resources to present background information to students (relative to historic events and to current events).

Use of video and audio resources to create context for understanding other times and places.

Use of online and other electronic resources to find evidence to support opinions and conclusions.

Learn and apply ethical and effective research methods and reporting methods.

Use word-processing programs, graphic programs, and presentation programs to organize and present information to class.


TECH  A1  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information

TECH  A2  Use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity

TECH  B1  Identify and locate information sources using technology

TECH  B2  Choose sources of information from a variety of media

TECH  B3  Select relevant information by applying accepted research methods

TECH  C1  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions

TECH  D1  Convey ideas to varied audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools

TECH  D2  Use communications technology to exchange ideas and information

TECH  E2  Discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology

TECH  E3  Respect others� rights of privacy in electronic environments

TECH  E4  Demonstrate ethical and legal behavior regarding intellectual property (computer software, music, literature)

TECH  E6  Evaluate ways that technology impacts culture and environment

TECH  E7  Integrate the use of technology into daily living

TECH  E8  Recognize implications of emerging technologies

Writing 3.6 Compose and edit composition with word processing program


Curriculum documents for Computers 1 and Computers 2 are also available upon request.  These required classes have been designed to address all of the Alaska Content Standards for Technology.










Curriculum Cycle Process

The Curriculum Cycle is a six year cycle of review and evaluation of the course of study at Mt. Edgecumbe High School.  The elements of study are outlined as follows:


Year 1 Foundational Research

During the Foundational Research phase, current curriculum, resources, instructional strategies, and assessment results are reviewed. We also identify standard alignment, best practices, model programs, and technology integration.  Curriculum strengths and opportunities for improvement are determined and will set the direction for the curriculum work to take place for the next five years.  The Curricular Department and the Academic Principal will present their current curriculum (courses offered, scope and sequence, and strengths/weaknesses) to the State Board of Education and Early Development.  Feedback received from the State Board will be incorporated into the planning process.


Year 2 Program Development

During this phase, a review of year one findings takes place.  Short, mid, and long range goals for this curriculum are created based upon the established timelines of the curriculum cycle. The group then builds a framework which includes: key concepts, topics, benchmarks, and state standards.  The Curricular Department and the Academic Principal report to the Mt. Edgecumbe Advisory Board regarding progress made in their research and give a status report.  Feedback from Advisory Board members is encouraged and may be considered in their program development plans.


Year 3 Documentation - Adoption

In this phase the Curricular Department evaluates sample textbooks, identifies special equipment needed and identifies technology that needs to be integrated. Teachers are also encouraged to try lessons or activities from the sample textbooks. The staff presents the proposed curriculum to the State Board for adoption and prepares to implement in the next year.  A member of the Curricular Department and the Academic Principal go before the State Board of Education and Early Development to propose curricular changes and textbook selection.


Year 4/5 - Implement and Monitor

Year 4 - Implement the new curriculum and continuously evaluate the new program. The evaluation process should be designed to be able to discover curricular needs and make improvements in a timely fashion.  Curriculum maps will be created which outline the skills, state standards, and common assessments for each grade level in the curricular area.


Year 5 - Continue implementation and monitoring. The Curricular Department also gathers evidence of student learning and evaluates to identify any possible changes that are needed to improve student learning. These changes will occur if needed.


Year 6 Evaluation

This year an evaluation of the impact of their curriculum on student achievement is examined, including a review of standardized test scores, AP/SAT data, and common/local assessments in preparation for the beginning of their curriculum cycle the following year.


Initial Cycle









Year 1

Foundational Research




Language Arts




Social Studies





Liberal Arts


Year 2

Program Development





Language Arts




Social Studies




Year 3

Documentation - Adoption






Language Arts




Social Studies

Year 4

Implement and Monitor







Language Arts



Year 5

Implement and Monitor








Language Arts

Year 6






















Established Cycle









Year 1

Foundational Research





Language Arts




Social Studies





Liberal Arts


Year 2

Program Development



Liberal Arts





Language Arts




Social Studies





Year 3

Documentation - Adoption





Liberal Arts





Language Arts




Social Studies

Year 4


and Monitor


Social Studies






Liberal Arts





Language Arts



Year 5

Implement and Monitor




Social Studies





Liberal Arts





Language Arts

Year 6



Language Arts




Social Studies





Liberal Arts












A student should be able to operate technology-based tools.


A student who meets the content standard should:

1. use a computer to enter and retrieve information;

2. use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity;

3. use local and world-wide networks;

4. manage and maintain technology tools; and diagnose and solve common technology problems.


B. A student should be able to use technology to locate, select, and manage information.


A student who meets the content standard should:

1. identify and locate information sources using technology;

2. choose sources of information from a variety of media; and

3. select relevant information by applying accepted research methods.


C. A student should be able to use technology to explore ideas, solve problems, and derive meaning.


A student who meets the content standard should:

1. use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions;

2. solve problems both individually and with others; and

3. create new knowledge by evaluating, combining, or extending information using multiple technologies.


D. A student should be able to use technology to express ideas and exchange information.


A student who meets the content standard should:

1. convey ideas to a variety of audiences using publishing, multi- media, and communications tools;

2. use communications technology to exchange ideas and information; and

3. use technology to explore new and innovative methods for interaction with others.


E. A student should be able to use technology responsibly and understand its impact on individuals and society.


A student who meets the content standard should:

1. evaluate the potentials and limitations of existing technologies;

2. discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology;

3. respect others� rights of privacy in electronic environments;

4. demonstrate ethical and legal behavior regarding intellectual property, which is the manifestation of an original idea, such as computer software, music, or literature;

5. examine the role of technology in the workplace and explore careers that require the use of technology;

6. evaluate ways that technology impacts culture and the environment;

7. integrate the use of technology into daily living; and

8. recognize the implications of emerging technologies.




ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS!S) and Performance Indicators for Students


1.     Creativity and Innovation - Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.  Students:

a.     apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

b.     create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

c.      use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.

d.     identify trends and forecast possibilities.


2.     Communication and Collaboration - Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:

a.     interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

b.     communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

c.      develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.

d.     contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.


3.     Research and Information Fluency - Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:

a.     plan strategies to guide inquiry.

b.     locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

c.      evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

d.     process data and report results.


4.     Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making - Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.  Students:

a.     identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.

b.     plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

c.      collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.

d.     use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.


5.     Digital Citizenship - Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:

a.     advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

b.     exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.

c.      demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.

d.     exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.


6.     Technology Operations and Concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:

a.     understand and use technology systems.

b.     select and use applications effectively and productively.

c.      troubleshoot systems and applications.

d.     transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
































EED Logo - Large

Budget/Inventory Analysis for E-Rate Components


The document was prepared in accordance with Section 54.508(b) of the FCC's Rules and Regulations,
Chapter 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Block 1:  Identification

E-Rate Year:


July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

District or School Name:

­Mt. Edgecumbe High School

Prepared By:


Greg Raschick / Caprice Pratt



















Block 2: Analysis of E-Rate Services Requested

E-Rate Service(s):

Internet Access






Block 3: Educational Technology Plan Goals Addressed by E-Rate Services

Goal(s) or Page Number(s):

PLAN GOAL 1.) Improving high speed internet access and VoIP communications to support the learning environment and enhance communications among students, staff, and parents.       






Block 4: Evaluation of Goals

Evaluation Activities:

Survey Monkey technology assessment framework to plan and evaluate the system-wide use and assess the effectiveness of MEHS educational technology.


Block 5: Budget Elements

Current Level of Service:

Level After E-Rate Request has been Filled:

Budget for district's share:

Planned budget source:

10 Mbps Bandwidth

100 Mbps Bandwidth


General Funds










Block 6: Analysis of Non E-Rate Eligible Requirements

Block 6a: Hardware

Hardware Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6b: Software

Software Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6c: Professional Development (PD)

PD Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6d: Retrofitting/Electrical Upgrades

Retrofitting Required:

Electrical Upgrades Required:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed




Block 6e: Maintenance

Maintenance Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6f: Total Non-Eligible Requirements

Total Budgeted Amount:




Complete this document before submitting your E-Rate Form 470.  Please submit this completed document to:


      E-mail:   [email protected]

      FAX:      907-465-2989

      Mail:      Educational Technology Coordinator

                    801 West Tenth Street, Suite 200, PO Box 110500, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0500









EED Logo - Large

Budget/Inventory Analysis for E-Rate Components


The document was prepared in accordance with Section 54.508(b) of the FCC's Rules and Regulations,
Chapter 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Block 1:  Identification

E-Rate Year:


July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

District or School Name:

­Mt. Edgecumbe High School

Prepared By:


Greg Raschick / Caprice Pratt




Block 2: Analysis of E-Rate Services Requested

E-Rate Service(s):

Local and Long Distance Telephone Service


Block 3: Educational Technology Plan Goals Addressed by E-Rate Services

Goal(s) or Page Number(s):

PLAN GOAL 2.) Sustaining and improving uninterrupted telephone service and communications to support the learning environment and enhance communications among students, staff, and parents. 


Block 4: Evaluation of Goals

Evaluation Activities:

Survey Monkey technology assessment framework to plan and evaluate the system-wide use and assess the effectiveness of MEHS educational technology.


Block 5: Budget Elements

Current Level of Service:

Level After E-Rate Request has been Filled:

Budget for district's share:

Planned budget source:

Contracted Local & Long Distance Telephone Service

Contracted Local & Long Distance Telephone Service



General Funds




Block 6: Analysis of Non E-Rate Eligible Requirements

Block 6a: Hardware

Hardware Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6b: Software

Software Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6c: Professional Development (PD)

PD Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6d: Retrofitting/Electrical Upgrades

Retrofitting Required:

Electrical Upgrades Required:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed




Block 6e: Maintenance

Maintenance Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6f: Total Non-Eligible Requirements

Total Budgeted Amount:




Complete this document before submitting your E-Rate Form 470.  Please submit this completed document to:


      E-mail:   [email protected]

      FAX:      907-465-2989

      Mail:      Educational Technology Coordinator

                    801 West Tenth Street, Suite 200, PO Box 110500, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0500








EED Logo - Large

Budget/Inventory Analysis for E-Rate Components


The document was prepared in accordance with Section 54.508(b) of the FCC's Rules and Regulations,
Chapter 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Block 1:  Identification

E-Rate Year:


July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

District or School Name:

­Mt. Edgecumbe High School

Prepared By:


Greg Raschick / Caprice Pratt




Block 2: Analysis of E-Rate Services Requested

E-Rate Service(s):

Wireless Telephone Service


Block 3: Educational Technology Plan Goals Addressed by E-Rate Services

Goal(s) or Page Number(s):

PLAN GOAL 2.) Sustaining and improving uninterrupted telephone service and communications to support the learning environment and enhance communications among students, staff, and parents. 


Block 4: Evaluation of Goals

Evaluation Activities:

Survey Monkey technology assessment framework to plan and evaluate the system-wide use and assess the effectiveness of MEHS educational technology.


Block 5: Budget Elements

Current Level of Service:

Level After E-Rate Request has been Filled:

Budget for district's share:

Planned budget source:

Contracted Wireless Telephone Service

Contracted Wireless Telephone Service


General Funds




Block 6: Analysis of Non E-Rate Eligible Requirements

Block 6a: Hardware

Hardware Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6b: Software

Software Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6c: Professional Development (PD)

PD Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6d: Retrofitting/Electrical Upgrades

Retrofitting Required:

Electrical Upgrades Required:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed




Block 6e: Maintenance

Maintenance Required:

Current Level:

New Purchases:

Budgeted Amount:

Funding Source:

None Needed





Block 6f: Total Non-Eligible Requirements

Total Budgeted Amount:




Complete this document before submitting your E-Rate Form 470.  Please submit this completed document to:


      E-mail:   [email protected]

      FAX:      907-465-2989

      Mail:      Educational Technology Coordinator

                    801 West Tenth Street, Suite 200, PO Box 110500, Juneau, Alaska 99811-0500